Object Detection Car

When I began to learn how to program, my initial goal was to be able to create a robot: a simple robot that can move around and maybe have some other cool features, like object detection.

I realized that this would not only take me learning code, but also learn about electronics and microcontrollers.

I began to learn about a microcontroller called Arduino and initially created a simple circuit that makes an LED flash when I pressed a button. This simple circuit allowed me to create more complex ones, and I was now able to put my knowledge together to create the robot I always wanted o build.

Some of the parts I used were an Arduino Uno for the brains, an Ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance to the nearest obstruction, an H-Bridge Motor Driver to control the wheels, a Servo, wheels, some wires, and a breadboard.

The basic functions of the robot would be the following steps:

  1. Measure the distance to the nearest object in front of the robot
  2. Turn the distance sensor to the left and measure, then to the right and measure
  3. Whichever distance (front, left, right) read the largest, the robot would move in that direction
  4. Repeat

This project taught me a lot about the inner workings and connection between hardware and software.

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MIT Museum

August 20, 2019