Virtual Maker Faire: JARVIS

Another one of my quarantine projects was to recreate the famous Iron Man personal assistant, JARVIS. Through my recent discovery of the programming language python, I wanted to push my abilities and create my own virtual personal assistant, like Alexa or Siri.

Besides my inspiration from the Marvel movies, I also wanted to create this project for privacy reasons. Nowadays, all the giant tech companies have their own personal assistant: Amazon has Alexa, Apple has Siri, and Microsoft has Cortana. All these virtual assistants, while great at helping people, have their own privacy flaws. These flaws can take advantage of users and breach their privacy. So, I wanted to challenge myself to create a private, localized personal assistant that anonymously retrieves data from the web, keeping your data private.

I created this program using the SpeechRecognition, PyAudio, and pyttsx3 libraries to handle speech recognition, audio parsing, and text to speech. I also used API’s of different websites to retrieve data, such as wikipedia and the weather.

Some of the tasks JARVIS can do are tell the weather in any US city, translate from English to 5 different languages (French, Spanish, Russian, Hebrew, and Italian), get Wikipedia information on any topic, tell a joke, and many others.

You can read more about this project here:

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